Plan Your Own Fairytale

In the next project, I learned how to build a website for a small business. I have always dreamed of visiting the beautiful castles around the globe. Each one holds so much history and beauty. It became inspiration for this project.

New skills learned from this project:

  • Add new fonts to the website from an outside source
  • Change opacity of the colors
  • Learn how to use a JavaScript library (jQuery) to make site interactive
  • Make the page accessible on different browsers

Preview of creation:

The full site can be viewed here:

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Fun Animated House

First I have to say that Khan Academy is amazing. The lessons are brilliant and there is so much to learn. I used it previously with help in physics and when I started exploring I found that there were topics in drawing and animation.

This is one of my favorite projects I finished a few months ago. I felt as if I were 5 again given a new box of crayons for the first time.

Preview of my house:

You can draw stars and play with the house here:

Building a Blog Theme

I am continuing with the lessons on Dash:

In this next project,  I learned new skills, namely CSS, to build a blog theme:

  • Create header and navigation menu
  • Style header using CSS
  • Add responsive buttons, such as “Like” and “Share”

Preview of creation:

The full site can be viewed here:

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Learning HTML Basics

I started learning the basics of web design and development through Dash from General Assembly.

In the first lesson I learned:

  • Creating headlines and input
  • Customizing the appearance of headers and text
  • Inserting background and changing its properties

Preview of creation:

The full page can be viewed here:

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